To download the Child & Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) forms, follow these steps:

  1. Click on one of the buttons below to download the desired CACFP form onto your computer.
  2. Select “Save Target As.”
  3. Save the file on your computer desktop, you may want to call the file: “Blank Menus”
  4. Each month, make a copy of this for the current month. (Example: “April Menus”)
  5. Fill in the meal information daily, as always. (Font size will automatically conform to amount of info you have to record.)
  6. The menu form has 1 sheet per week, up to 5 weeks per month. Be sure to put your name at the top of each sheet and kids’ names/ages at bottom.
  7. At the end of the month, simply fill out the Cover Sheet and e-mail as an attachment the CACFP menus form to DCC at: [email protected] or use the button below.

Download forms

CACFP forms for filing online/via e-mail:


Other menu-related forms

2022-2023 Enrollment Form for CACFP – Please keep a copy for your records

Forms for parents and providers

Sample Day Care Agreement 2022 Day Care Rates Survey W-10