Child & Adult Care Food Program

The Child & Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) is a USDA nutrition education program. The program allows Day Care Connection to reimburse licensed family day care homes for nutritious meals served. Providers are given basic meal patterns to follow (based upon ages served). Providers then choose the foods they serve the children from the CACFP guidelines.

How Does It Work:

Providers can be paid for 2 meals and 1 snack per child, per day. Nutritious food prepares children for a fun day of learning and play. We’ll teach you how simple CACFP is and provide you ongoing assistance through workshops and home visits. Your own tax dollars are coming back to support serving healthy food in your child care business. Overwhelmingly, parents prefer someone who participates in CACFP, rather than someone who doesn’t.

It’s easy! We’ll never tell you what to serve. You create your own menus using an easy meal pattern. Simply complete menu forms monthly. Then we’ll compute your reimbursement check based upon a tiering system (using parent, census figures or caregiver income guidelines) and the money is yours!  You may use our EZ Direct Deposit system or have your check mailed.



Workshops and Classes

  • Live Workshops: Workshops are presented monthly on a wide range of topics. They’re held at DCC or another convenient location. These workshops are announced in our newsletter, monthly publications and online. They’re a great opportunity to enjoy an evening with people who understand complex issues of family day care. Invest in yourself and attend regularly! Certificates of attendance are given for licensing and food program credit hours.
  • Tuesday Trainings: Day Care Connection holds group trainings most first Tuesdays of each month at 6:30 pm.
  • CPR & Pediatric First Aid Classes: Certified first aid and CPR is required of licensed providers every two years. Start CPR offers one class a month on Saturdays for your convenience. This is a 4 hour class, which counts towards training hours required of licensed day care providers. Call us at (913) 529-1200 for class schedule or to sign up.

Family Child Care and being an Early Childhood Educator is important work!

Upcoming Events

Enrollment Form

Cover Sheet

Attendance Form

Complete Menu Template

Download Resources
Helpful Websites
Training Classes
*5-8 CACFP CLASSES-USE ARROW ON TOP RIGHT TO SCROLL ONCE YOU SEE THE COURSES *MAY HAVE TO CREATE AN ACCOUNT IF YOU HAVE NOT USED THEM BEFORE • Click “Training” tab • On drop-down, choose “KSDE Online Training Portal” • Make an account, then click on “Child Nutrition and Wellness” at the top and be sure to choose “General” or “CACFP” classes (SFSP or SNP will not count for CACFP nutrition training)

Copyright © 2023 Day Care Connection · 8853 Long, Lenexa, KS 66215 · 913-529-1200 · All rights reserved

In accordance with Federal law and USDA policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability.
To file complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Ave, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call 800-795-3272 (voice) or 202-720-6382 (TDD). This institution is an equal opportunity provider.